Yu Ming Charter School

Are You Registered to Vote?

Make your voice heard and register to vote today!
Voting is the most effective way for us to ensure a better future for our children, ourselves, and our communities. From local school board to presidential elections, every choice we make has an impact on our daily lives.

¡Haga que se escuche su voz y regístrese para votar hoy!
Votar es la forma más eficaz de garantizar un futuro mejor para nuestros hijos, para nosotros y para nuestras comunidades. Desde la junta escolar local hasta las elecciones presidenciales, cada decisión que tomamos tiene un impacto en cada día de nuestras vidas.


Note: Filling out this form alone does not register you to vote. After completing this form, we will direct you to your secretary of state, lieutenant governor, or department of elections website where you will officially register.