Are You Registered to Vote?
The time to make a difference in our nation is NOW! It is important for you and your future to be civically engaged! It is up to each and every one of us to stand up, be informed of current events, and know that we have the right and obligation to vote on things that matter. Take action. Your Vote is Your VOICE!
Se ha llegado la hora de hacer la diferencia en nuestra nación! El compromiso cívico es importante para ti y tu futuro. Depende de cada uno de nosotros el levantarnos, de informarnos sobre eventos actuales, y saber que tenemos el derecho y la obligación de votar hacia asuntos que son importantes. Toma acción. Tu Voto es Tu VOZ!
Note: Filling out this form alone does not register you to vote. After completing this form, we will direct you to your secretary of state, lieutenant governor, or department of elections website where you will officially register.